IEEE SENSORS 2016 is intended to provide a forum for research scientists, engineers, and industry practitioners throughout the world to present their latest technology advancements, ideas, and applications in the area of sensors and sensing technology. On day 3 of the Conference, a special track designed to encourage industry participation will include a keynote, oral sessions, industry showcase/demonstrations, industry networking, and an industry panel luncheon focused on the sensing technology that is enabling unmanned aerial vehicles, more commonly referred to as Drones!
We are soliciting input and suggestions for ideas for sessions throughout the day that closely align with industry sensor and system development activities, which could include:
- Specific suggestions for speakers or panelists (include company, topic and qualifications)
- Leading a tutorial or workshop (include topic and qualifications)
- Giving a technology demonstration
- Identifying opportunities for standards development and harmonization
Please contact with your suggestions to the above items, as well as to express interest in participating.
Industry Panel Luncheon
The Sensing Technology Enabling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) …. Drones!
With their integration into a number of different industries and government organizations, UAV technology continues to become part of our daily lives. In addition, the technology that enables these systems is enabling new developments in low power, highly embedded, smart systems that have many applications. Embedded technologies for sensors, batteries, microsystems, and environmental stability are all a part of the efforts in UAVs and the technology use in the current and future systems is on the cutting edge. This panel will facilitate a discussion about the possibilities for this emerging market as well as some remaining technology challenges, with a couple of the proposed areas being:
- Regulation of Drones
- Making full drone systems
- Making Sub systems in drones
- Using Drones for Industrial Application
- Using Drones for hobbyists
The panel discussion will focus on various factors that must guide the design and development process for UAVs. In addition to the more common tradeoffs such as battery life, integration level, and feature set, these systems need to address human factors that will further enable these systems.