IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things
05-08 February 2018 – Singapore

Call for Proposals

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The 4th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT 2018) in Singapore seeks contributions on how to nurture, cultivate, and accelerate the adoption of IoT technologies and applications for the benefit of society. In the past year the Internet of Things has experienced significant growth in the number of deployments, in the resource investment from both industry and governments, and in attention from technologists in almost every discipline. As the premier IEEE event on IoT, the World Forum brings together the latest developments in three spheres: (i) from the government sector and multi-national organizations, policies and solutions that affect IoT and its future; (ii) from business and industry, lessons learned from recent deployments, and strategies for the evolution of IoT by practitioners and business leaders; and (iii) from the research and academic community, the latest technological developments in the many fields and disciplines that drive the utility and vitality of IoT solutions and applications.

The World Forum seeks submissions and proposals for-original technical papers that address but are not limited to, the following topics and the more detailed list further in this document:

  • IoT Enabling Technologies
  • Broadly Applicable IoT Techniques and Methods
  • IoT Application and Services
  • IoT Multimedia and Societal Impacts
  • Security and Privacy for Internet of Things
  • IoT Experimental Results and Deployment Scenarios

Additionally, we seek proposals for sessions and events of general interest and relevance to IoT. These should address the Technical Community and/or provide educational or expository material, or recognition of significant contributions to the advancement of IoT technologies:

  • Workshops
  • Tutorials
  • Special Sessions
  • Industry Panels relevant to the general technical program
  • Doctoral Symposium

We also seek suggestions for speakers, panels, demonstrations, and sessions aimed at industry technologists, practitioners, managers, and operators; policy makers, public sector administrators, operators of public infrastructure and services; and others involved in the use of IoT; addressing the conference-focus Verticals and Topical Areas identified below:.

  • IoT Focus Verticals
  • IoT Focus Topical Areas