Young Professionals and WiSe Mentoring Round Table: Lunch with the Experts
Tuesday, October 30th
12:30 - 13:30
*Pre-Registration Required to Attend
The Meet-the-Expert Lunch will focus on unique issues related to young professionals and women in sensors career development and will give the opportunity to all Young Professional and female participants to interact with experts in key areas of sensors. Participants will be assigned a table based on their relevant topics (with an additional table specifically for Women in Sensors) in a setting that fosters attendee/expert interactions and provides networking opportunities with leaders in the field. Experts will answer questions and lead informal dialogue to help provide guidance and direction.
The table topics include:
- Sensor Phenomenology, Modeling and Evaluation
- Sensor Materials, Processing and Fabrication (including Printing)
- Chemical, Electrochemical and Gas Sensors
- Microfluidics and Biosensors
- Optical Sensors
- Physical Sensors - Temperature, Mechanical, Magnetic and Others
- Acoustic and Ultrasonic Sensors
- Sensor Packaging (including on Flexible Materials)
- Sensor Networks (including IoT and related areas)
- Sensor Applications
- Sensor Systems: Signals, Processing and Interfaces
- Actuators and Sensor Power Systems
- Women in Sensors
Interested in attending? When registering to attend the conference, please select your table preference for this event under the Options items.
Have any questions?
Please contact Rachel Brockhoff at rbrockhoff@conferencecatalysts.com