The IEEE SENSORS 2018 Award Winners have been announced!
1st Place Oral Student Paper Award
"HFR-Video-Based Honeybee Activity Sensing Using Pixel-Level Short-Time Fourier Transform"
Kohei Shimasaki, Mingjun Jiang, Takeshi Takaki, Idaku Ishii, Kazuhiko Yamamoto
2nd Place Oral Student Paper Award
"Ring Ultrasound Transducer Based Miniaturized Photoacoustic Imaging System"
Ajay Dangi, Sumit Agrawal, Jedidiah Lieberknecht, Jason Zhang, Sri-Rajasekhar Kothapalli
3rd Place Oral Student Paper Award
"Graphene Oxide-Chitosan Based Ultra-Flexible Electrochemical Sensor for Detection of Serotonin"
Anastasios Vilouras, Ambarish Paul, Md. Abdul Kafi, Ravinder Dahiya
1st Place Poster Student Paper Award
Motion-Adaptive Image Capture in a Body-Worn Wearable Sensor
Vinay K, Masudul Imtiaz, Edward Sazonov
2nd Place Poster Student Paper Award
Precision Low Cost Phase Sensitive Optical Sensor for Detecting Carbon Nanoparticle Degradation
Ruchira Nandeshwar, Nidhi Maheshwari, Siddharth Tallur
3rd Place Poster Student Paper Award
A Reinforcement Learning Based Design of Compressive Sensing Systems for Human Activity Recognition
Guocheng Liu, Rui Ma, Qi Hao

New Delhi, India

October 28-31, 2018